Maria Ho

Team Elite

After obtaining an actuarial science degree in Canada, Maria returned to Hong Kong to start her career in market research and later on switched to the then-flourishing financial sector. She was very passionate about her work and put in 110% effort into it. Yet, she was caught off guard by the financial tsunami and realized the importance of taking control of her own future! She examined many business opportunities and was finally impressed by what NuSkin could offer: the simplicity of the compensation scheme, the unlimited residual income, as well as the uplifting culture. Having seen partners getting younger, healthier and prettier. Most importantly, she saw a glow in every single leader deriving from a sense of inner peace that arises from being full of love, full of time, full of wealth and full of energy and health! This motivated her to rapidly became a Blue Diamond leader a little over a year part-timing and one year after, a Team Elite leader.

Having started out with a 'why not?' mentality, via her fire-like passion with everything about NuSkin, she turns this 'Plan B' into her 'Plan A' - a life time career and her dream retirement lifestyle: to travel around the world while golfing and learning about life but at the same time building her team in each and every country that NuSkin has footprints.

"Just do it with a passion"